Business communication suggestion BBA 2nd year 2023
A Part
1. Define business communication.
Ans. The exchange of ideas, nears and views in connection with business among the related. Parties is called business communication.
2. What is communication process?
Or, How many phases are there in communication process?
Ans. Communication process states the steps between sender and a receiver that result in the transfer of a message through any medium and understanding of meaning of the message and response made in terms of feedback.
3. What is meant by effective communication?
Ans. A communication is effective when the message is understood and when it encourages the receiver to think and take action.
4. What is decoding?
Ans. Decoding is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by the sender.
5. What is message?
Ans. When there is any interest or intention or idea in the mind of sender, he makes encoding of such which is known as message.
6. Draw a simple communication model.
Ans. The feedback model implies the system or existence of feedback in the communication process. The following figure illustrates the feedback model of communication.
7. What is upward communication?
Ans. Incase of upward communication flow of information goes to higher authority from subordinates.
8. What do you mean by horizontal communication?
Or, What is horizontal communication?
Ans. Communication between employees of same level is known as horizontal communication.
9. What is downward communication.
Ans. Downward communication is the flow of information from higher authority to lower authority.
10. What is written communication.
Ans. When messages transmitted in written form then it can be stated as written communication.
11. What is business letter?
Ans. Letters used for business purposes can be termed as business letter, it convey messages regarding various business activities.
12. What is effective writing?
Ans. When all the techniques of writing are strictly then it's termed us effective writing.
13. What is demi-official letter?
Ans. When a letter contains both official and personal information, it is called demi- official letter.
14. What is resume?
Ans. A resume is a structured, written summary of a person's education, employment background, and job qualifications.
15. What is dunning letter?
Ans. The notification sent by a supplier or seller to his customers or buyers for reminding the payment of dues (arising from credit sales) are called dunning letters.
16. What is meant by interview?
Or, What is interview?
Ans. Interview is a systematic oral technique for obtaining data directly from an individual.
17. What is notice?
Ans. Notice is given to the shareholders of a company to inform them about a meeting.
18. Who is a proxy?
Ans. A proxy is a legal representative of a shareholder who is entitled to vote in a meeting on behalf of the original shareholder.
19. Mention two kinds of non-verbal communication.
Ans. Two kinds of non-verbai communication are :
(i) Visual communication and
(ii) Audio-visual aids.
20. What is gestures.
Ans. Gesture is also a body movement, but it is a deliberate body movement to convey a specific message.
21. What is audio-visual media?
Ans. Audio-visual Communication is a combination of sight and sound i.e. it uses audible and visual techniques both for transmitting message, information or idea to actual a meaningful picture which is communicative.
22. What is internal communication?
Ans. The communication among the members of the same organization is called internal communication.
23. What is interpersonal communication?
Ans. When communication occurs between two persons it is termed as interpersonal communication.
24. What type of communication is related with grapevine?
Ans. Grapevine Communication is a from of informal Communication in business that develops within an organization.
25. What is business software?
Ans. Business software is that kind of software which is propound to perform specific business functions.
26. What is internet?
Ans. The internet may be defined as a global connection of people computers linked together by telephone lines, radio. links or satellite links.
27. What do you mean by world wide web (www)?
Or, What is the full form of www?
Ans: The world wide web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the internet.
28. What is mobile apps?
Ans. A mobile app is a software applicatione dveloped specifically for use on small winless computing devices. Such as smart phones and tablets.
29. What is communication skill?
Ans. The techniques which help to reduce or eliminate the chances of misunderstanding can be treated as communication skills.
30. What is business report?
Ans. A report which is written for business purpose, it is called business report.
31. What is market report.
Ans. The report which reveal the demand of a product, consumers attitude and the trend of other key factors of the market is known as market report.
32. What is analytical report?
Ans. The report that supplies information about a particular issue along with interpretation and analysis is called analytical report.
33. What is statutory report?
Ans. A formal report prepared and submitted as required by law is called a statutory report.
34. What is business letter.
Or, Define business letter.
Ans. The letter which are exchanged among businessmen in connection with business affairs are called business letters.
35. What is inquiry letter?
Ans. When a buyer sends a letter to a producer or seller of a product or service to know about any product or service in details, such a letter is termed as inquiry letter.
36. What is order letter?
Or, What is meant by letter of order?
Ans. The letter which is written by the buyer to the seller requesting him to deliver the goods ordered is called letter of order.
37. What is an appointment letter?
Ans. Appointment letter is the letter which conveys the information of appointment.
38. Elaborate CV.
Ans. CV এর পূর্ণরূপ হলো : Curriculum Vitae.
39. What is Joining Letter?
Ans. The letter conveying the information of joining is known as the joining letter.
B Part
Chapter - 01
1. Discuss the functions of communication.
Or, Describe the importance of communication.
Or, Discuss the functions of business communication.
Or, Discuss the importance of communication in modern business.
2. Describe the objectives of business communication.
Or, What are the purpose of business communication.
Or. Briefly discuss the purpose of business communication.
3. "Communication is the life of blood an organization" Explain.
4. No Communication, No Management. -Explain.
5. Discuss the role of communication in management.
6. How can Communication increase the efficiency of Management?
7. Why internal communication is important?
একটি প্রশ্ন পড়ার মাধ্যমে উপরের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দিতে পারবেন। উত্তর জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।
8. Narrate the communication process with line picture.
Or, Discuss the different types of Communication process.
9. Why feedback is necessary for the completion of effective communication process?
Or, Is feedback essential for completeness of communication process?
Or, Why feedback is necessary for completion of the communication process?
Chapter - 02
1. What do you mean by mass-communication.
Or, What is mass communication?
Or, Define mass communication.
2. Distinguish between formal and informal communication.
Or, Make the differences between formal communication and informal communication.
Or, Write down the differences between Formal and Informal Communication.
Or, Showed the different between formal and informal communication?
Chapter - 03
1. Difference between written communication and oral communication.
Or, Compare between oral communication and written Communication.
Or, Distinguish between written communication and oral communication.
2. What are the benefits of written communication?
Or, State the Advantages /Merits of written communication.
Or, Discuss the Benefits advantages Written Communication.
3. What are the differences between memo and letter?
Or, Compare between office memo and a business letter.
Or, Show the difference between memo and a letter.
Or, How does memorandum differ from letter?
4. What factors should be considered drafting a resume?
5. Describe the importance of a circular letter.
6. Mention the series of dunning letter.
Chapter - 04
1. Discuss the limitations of oral communication.
Or, Discuss the Disadvantage / limitation of oral communication.
2. State the pre-requisities of a valid meeting?
Or, Discuss the preconditions of a valid meeting. Or, What are the requisites of a valid meeting.
Chapter - 05
1. Discuss the Media of visual communication.
Chapter - 06
1. Narrate the major media of internal communication.
Or, Briefly discuss different media of internal communication.
Or, Discuss the Media/Methods of Internal Communication.
Chapter - 07
1. Describe the merits of E-mail.
Or, Discuss the advantages of electronic mail (E-mail)
2. Briefly discuss the advantages of electronics communication.
Or, State the importance of electronic communication.
Chapter - 08
1. How can communication barriers be overcome?
Or, How to overcome communication barriers?
Chapter - 09
1. Discuss the essential elements of market report.
Or, Discuss the essential features of a market report.
2. Discuss the features of good report.
Or, Describe the essential quality of good report?
3. Show difference between formal and Informal reports?
4. What do you mean by business report?
5. Discuss the pre-requisites of a good report?
Chapter - 10
1. Mention the considering factors in preparing a good business letter.
Or, Discuss the features/qualities of a good business letter.
Or, Analyse the essential elements of a good business letter.
2. What is meant by inquiry letter?
3. Draft complaint letter to a supplier for supplying defective goods.
Chapter - 11 (B+C part)
1. Define application letter.
Or, What do you mean by Application letter?
Or, What is application for employment?
2. Draft a specimen copy of application letter for the post of a Probationary Officer of a commercial bank.
3. Discuss the general guidelines of CV preparation.
4. What is meant by Appointment Letter?
5. Write a letter of appointment for the post of a senior officer.
Business Communication Suggestion Details |
Book's Name: | Business Communication (B Part) |
Author: | A To Z Tech BD |
Publisher : | A To Z Tech BD |
PDF Size: | 8.9 MB |
নিচের ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করে "ব্যবসায় যোগাযোগ" খ-বিভাগের পিডিএফ সাজেশন ডাউনলোড করে নিন।
- আরও পড়ুন:
- মানব সম্পদ ব্যবস্থাপনা সাজেশন অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ ২০২৩
- ব্যবসায়ের আইনগত পরিবেশ সাজেশন অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ ২০২৩
C Part
Chapter - 01
1. Describe the scope of communication.
Or, Briefly discuss the scope of communication.
Or, Describe the field of communication.
2. Describe the 7C's of communication.
Or, Describe the principles of Business Communication.
Or, Discuss seven C's of business communication.
Or, Briefly discuss some of important Principles of communication.
3. What do you mean by communication process?
Or, What is Communication Process?
4. Discuss the elements of communication process.
Or, Discuss the essential factors of communication process.
5. Discuss the essential qualities of a good communication.
6. Discuss the Importance of two way communication.
7. Discuss the various types of communication skills.
Or, Briefly discuss the various types of communication skills.
Chapter - 02
1. Define upward communication.
Or, What is meant by Upward Communication?
2. Define of Downward communication.
Or, What is meant by Downward Communication?
3. Discuss the Advantages of downward communication.
Or, State the Benefits of downward communication.
Or, Describe the merits of downward communication.
4. Write down the differences between upward and downward communication.
Or, Show the differences between upward and downward communication.
5. What are the various media of downward communication?
Or, State the methods of downward communication?
Chapter - 03
1. What is written communication.
Or, What is meant by written Communication.
2. What do you mean by circular Letter.
3. Prepare a specimen copy of circular letter.
Or, Draft a circular letter opening a new business.
4. Write a complaint letter to the sales of prime furniture informing him about delivery of goods ordered for.
Chapter - 04
1. Describe the principles of Oral Communication.
Or, Narrate the principles of oral communication?
Or, Write the principles of oral communication.
2. What are the causes of failure of oral communication?
3. What is face to face communication.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of face to face communication.
5. How can an interviewee face the interview effectively?
6. Define meeting.
Or, What is Meeting.
7. Discuss the preconditions of a valid meeting.
Or, State the pre-requisities of a valid meeting?
Or, What are the requisites of a valid meeting.
Chapter - 05
1. Write a difference between verbal and non-verbal communication.
Or, How does verbal communication differ from non-verbal communication?
Or, Differentiate between verbal and non- verbal communication.
Chapter - 06
1. What is meant by interpersonal communication.
Or, What is interpersonal communication.
2. Show the differences between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication.
3. What is Meaning of Small Group Communication?
Chapter - 07
1. What do you mean by internet?
Or, What is Internet?
2. State the importance of internet in business.
Or, Show the Advantages / Uses of Internet.
Or, State the importance of internet communication in management?
3. Discuss the modern devices of communication.
Or, Describe the tools of modern communication.
Or, State the major media of electronic communication.
Chapter - 08
1. What is meant by communication Skill?
2. Briefly discuss the various types of communication skills.
Or, Discuss the various types of communication skills.
3. How can you Improve presentation skills?
Or, State the different types for Improving presentation skill.
Or, State different tips for Improving presentation skill.
Chapter - 09
1. What is market report?
2. Draft a weekly market report on the Dhaka Stock Exchange.
Or, Prepare a weekly market on the Dhaka stock Exchange?
3. Mention the factors to be considered In drafting a market report.
4. Describe the steps of formal report.
Chapter - 10
1. What is complaint letter?
2. State the factors to be considered while drafting complaint letter.
Or, Mention the factors to be considered in drafting a good complaint letter.
Or, Discuss the factors to be considered in drafiting a complaint letter.
Or, What factors should be considered while drafting a complaint letter?
3. What are the factors should be considered in drafting an order letter?
Business Communication Suggestion Details |
Book's Name: | Business Communication (C Part) |
Author: | A To Z Tech BD |
Publisher : | A To Z Tech BD |
PDF Size: | 10.9 MB |
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন